The Spiceland Town-Township Public Library is located at 106 West Main Street, Spiceland, Indiana. It houses a collection of 11,000 volumes with a circulation of 4,000 yearly. In addition, there are several paintings and portraits by local artists adorning the walls. It is governed by a board of seven trustees and employs one to four persons. It serves a population of 2,200 residents (2010census).
The Spiceland Town-Township Public Library is a service institution, providing materials and services to partially fulfill the professional, civic, educational, and recreational needs of community residents. The Library is committed to culturally enrich the community by encouraging lifelong learning by serving as a center for “self-education”.
The Spiceland Town-Township Public Library became a public library in 1870. It was closed from 1890 until 1921. The library has been located at 106 West Main Street since 1972 in the old Citizens State Bank. The building was closed for about three and one-half years and the library was in the Spiceland Elementary School and the South Henry School Corporation Superintendent’s office. While we are still in a recovery mode from this temporary displacement, we are striving to change our collection to better satisfy the wants and needs of our community.
The Library offers such services to the community as copier, fax machine, Internet, and research. Special events on many Saturdays, reading / activity programs for children on Tuesdays, summer reading programs for children, and preschool reading times are offered throughout the year.
The Library is open on Monday from 1- 5, Tuesday from 3 – 7, Wednesday from 10 – 5, Thursday from 1 – 7, and Saturday from 9 – 12. Books and magazines are availble for checkout for four weeks. DVD’s are available for one week checkout.